Monday, November 23, 2009

SAIBSA Autumn Meeting

The SAIBSA Autumn meeting was held at Ecole Mondiale World School, Mumbai on 31 October 2009.

The occasion brought together coordinators from all three IB programmes, many new to the association, and a large number of schools were represented.

In addition to meetings related to the individual programmes and the dissemination of information regarding forthcoming Job-Alike sessions, time was spent discussing the ramifications of government plans for private schools.

Mrs. Farzana Dohadwalla, I.B. Representative for South Asia was present at the meeting. It should be noted that the principals of IB schools are also invited to attend the SAIBSA meetings and in future it is hoped that there will be greater representation.

The occasion also lent itself to the promotion of the University of Bath M.A. in Education programme which is delivered by members of the University of Bath faculty at Ecole Mondiale World School, Mumbai.

Two units have already been taught and a third is scheduled for March 2010. Details of the programme and contact persons are highlighted in a separate section of the newsletter.

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